Near East College starts New Academic Term with Innovations
Eklenme Tarihi: 18 Eylül 2019, 15:47
Son Güncelleme Tarihi:08 Ekim 2019, 12:14

Asım İdris: “We will continue to raise qualified, self-confident generations with the new generation curriculum that enables academic information to be transformed into skills…”
Near East College, which shapes the future of students with its educational model, technological infrastructure and strong educational staff has commenced the academic year of 2019-2020 with a new educational vision.

Near East College Principal, Asım İdris, made a speech at the opening ceremony held in the school yard due to the start of the new academic year and stated that they left a successful academic year behind. He added that they have revised their education system and through the support of their teaching and administrative staff, they were hoping and expecting to be even more successful this year.

In addition to the above, Asım İdris stated that in order to improve the success of the school, they have made many arrangements and works from many new perspectives; from the educational contents, the renewed academic staff, the strengthened infrastructure, the renewed school uniforms and to the food menu.

Since date of foundation, Near East College has made its mark in success and with the help of innovations planned at the Near East College, Asım İdris is planning to pioneer the education offered in the country as a whole. He further asserted that they are working to educate students who are strong in terms of knowledge and strong in social aspects as well as academically.

A different vision brought to education …
As the oldest private school in our country, Near East group of schools, Asım İdris stated that they will continue to play a pioneering role in many areas of creating a development in the country with their vision of education. Moreover, he emphasized that they have implemented a curriculum that enables students to learn different language skills simultaneously with their course contents, according to each grade and student level. Furthermore, he said that they have adopted a model that allows students to reveal their interests and abilities with the programs they plan in coordination with contemporary educational approaches, current methods and techniques. He stressed that their goal is to train independent, creative and critical thinking students who can use the second foreign language fluently, written and oral language, in addition to English.

Students' Success Levels will be measured with International Exams...
Asım İdris said that said that they have removed the curriculum designed according to the books generally applied in our country. Basically to raise students to third countries and send students who are well educated to universities in our country and in Turkey. He added that they started to apply Mathematics and Science curricula at secondary level focused on Edexcel, which is one of the most prestigious examination boards in Europe, USA and other countries that have validated IGCSE and A-Level exams. He proudly stated that the curriculum of the school has been accredited by Edexcel.

Principal Asım İdris pointed out that they will not only take the curriculum and apply it, but also students will be assessed with questions sent from the UK; by this way they were planning to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the students. He added that as the students progressed into the eighth grade, a revision of the mathematics and science curriculums will be made. Thus, students will take the IGSCE, university exams and other exams in a better prepared way.

Free courses will be organized in accordance with the students' needs…
Asım İdris stressed that with one-to-one education and with the curriculum for goal-oriented study, one-to-one studies, school reinforcement and expedited courses will be provided to students according to their levels. He added that therefore students will prepared for exams and classes at the highest level and students will offered free additional courses in accordance to their needs.

Optional courses system is now administered in the GCE Departments…
In year 9s, students in GCE will no longer be divided as Arts and Sciences and Mathematics, English and Turkish courses will be compulsory and students will have to choose 4 optional courses. He added that they perceived education as a whole and they were aiming to raise students who can use English as their mother tongue at the highest level and use German and French as the third language. Additionally, he said that it is among the objectives of educating students who can use communication technologies extremely well.

Parents to be provided feedback about their students' progress through the “Necsis System"...
Principal Asım İdris, stating that they have started to use the NECSIS Assessment and Evaluation system in order to provide the parents with feedback about the progress of their students in courses and educational activities, said that they will inform the parents via e-mail.

Innovation in Infrastructure and School Uniforms…
Asım İdris, who mentioned that they made innovations in physical conditions besides education curriculum, underlined that they want to create a happy teacher, happy child, happy parent profile. İdris said: “We have physically rearranged our school in accordance with the conditions of the day. We arranged the conference room, the isolated room where the school orchestra would work privately, the dance hall, administrative departments, teacher rooms, physics, chemistry, biology laboratories, music, painting, and computer rooms in a modern way. We have undergone a serious overhaul and renovation in the kitchen and on our food menu. We have redesigned and started to use our school uniforms in a more modern, different and liberating range.”

We offer a balanced education considering children's social, emotional and academic development as a whole...
School Principal Asım İdris underlined the fact that they have constituted well-equipped, researching, questioning, young-thinking teaching members who have achieved outstanding achievements in every branch, and as a result of having a school program based on cultural and social responsibility, he concluded that they have integrated everything available in social, sports, academic and cultural life into the school program and that they offer students a well- balanced education for their social, emotional and academic development.