Exam Results Day

Exam results are published and available to the public on the date below:

Wednesday, 4th March, 10:00 – Pearson Edexcel IAL Results Day(A2/ AS Level)

Important note: The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has changed the time at which results can be released to students from 6:00am to 8:00am UK time. Thus, results for Pearson will be available at 10:00am Cyprus time.

Pearson/ Edexcel Results:
Pearson/ Edexcel has an online results tool called ResultsPlus Direct (https://www.resultsplusdirect.co.uk/students/login.html) which can be accessed by students for viewing their results. If any candidate is not able to access the email with the login details, please contact Exams Office at nec.examoffice@nec.k12.tr