Our rules

The disciplinary rules set by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) for middle and high schools are established to maintain school order and ensure that students are present in the educational environment in a safe and respectful manner. These rules are necessary for students to fulfill their responsibilities, respect the rights of others, and maintain a peaceful learning atmosphere at school. The MEB disciplinary rules aim to regulate student behavior, promoting both individual and social responsibility. Students are required to adhere to these rules and are subject to the determined disciplinary processes in case of violations. These rules are a vital element in supporting the quality of education and the personal development of students.

  • Our students are expected to:
  • Arrive at school on time and leave on time.
  • Communicate appropriately with their peers, younger students, and elders.
  • Follow the uniform guidelines.
  • Keep their mobile phones turned off. (Using phones in the classroom constitutes a disciplinary offense. Using them during breaks limits student interaction and may lead to issues such as eye strain and lack of attention. Therefore, phone use is prohibited, and the responsibility lies with the student. It is advised not to bring phones to school.)
  • Be seated in the classroom, prepared for the lesson, before the bell rings.
  • Sit according to the predetermined seating arrangement.
  • Quickly and quietly transition to pair or group work.
  • Submit homework and projects on time.
  • Use and protect materials in classrooms and shared areas carefully.
  • Adhere to the rule of not having food or drinks in the classroom.
  • Listen attentively to the teacher and students who are speaking, and speak only when given permission by raising their hand.
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene when coming to school. (Makeup and nail polish are not tolerated. Proper shoes should be worn, and hair coloring or exaggerated hairstyles are not accepted.)
  • Not record or share each other’s images within the school.


  • During exams, each student uses their own materials (pen, eraser, etc.). They do not borrow or lend.
  • If a student is caught cheating, the exam paper will be signed by the proctor, and the student will be removed from the exam room. After the exam, the exam paper will be handed over to the administration. The proctor will file a report, and the student will be referred to the disciplinary committee. If found guilty, the student will receive a zero for the exam and will face further disciplinary action.


  • Students line up in the cafeteria to get their meals and place their trays in the designated area after eating.
  • Bringing food from outside is not allowed.

School Transport

  • Students must behave appropriately towards both the staff and their peers on school transport.
  • If a student is leaving school independently or will be picked up early by a parent, the school administration must be informed. Leaving the school without permission is not allowed.
  • Students should speak at an appropriate volume and remain seated on the bus.


  • Parents are expected to follow the information provided by the school.
  • They are expected to collaborate with the school.
  • If a student will not attend school for any reason, parents must inform the school.

Behavior Policy Program
Students who exhibit unacceptable behavior inside or outside the classroom will receive a ‘verbal warning’ first, followed by a ‘Pre-Warning Letter’ if no improvement is observed. The student receiving the pre-warning letter will be evaluated by the class teacher, the teacher issuing the letter, the guidance counselor, and the school administration. After the evaluation, the student will be informed.

In some cases, a ‘Warning Letter’ may be issued to the student. The student must sign this letter, give it to their parents, and return it to the school administration. If a student receives three warning letters, a ‘Behavior Agreement’ will be made in a meeting involving the class teacher, guidance counselor, school administration, and the parents.