Educational Approaches

Near East College is a secondary education institution that provides education tailored to the goals of each student, in accordance with the programs and curricula of the Ministry of National Education of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The school graduates its students with a diploma approved by the Ministry of Education. Students are admitted to the school through an entrance exam, which assesses their levels and awards scholarships to those who achieve high success throughout their education.

In the middle school division of Near East College, the medium of instruction is English for all subjects except cultural courses. Students learn fundamental knowledge with a strong foundation across all subjects, while the English language courses are designed to advance their proficiency in both practical use and grammar. For 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, the school implements Pearson Edexcel programs for Science and Mathematics, and the Cambridge International program for Computer Studies. At the end of the 8th grade, student development is assessed through an external examination administered and evaluated in England, guiding students in their high school education.

Social studies classes aim to enhance students’ interest in history and geography. Each student is provided the opportunity to choose a second foreign language as a compulsory subject, either German or French, in addition to English. Within the framework of full-day education, additional support courses are organized for subject classes, guided by teachers. At the end of the 8th grade, students can have one-on-one meetings with specialized teachers and counseling services to make choices regarding the programs they will follow in high school, aligned with their goals.
The high school division fundamentally consists of two sections: the GCE (General Certificate of Education) section for students wishing to receive education in English, where all subjects except cultural courses continue in English, and the YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) section, which provides education in Turkish. Students continuing in the GCE section have the opportunity to choose a total of 5 different subjects from many alternatives suitable for their interests for grades 9 and 10, in addition to compulsory courses in Mathematics, English, Turkish, and Physical Education. A student choosing the GCE section follows the IGCSE curriculum from platforms such as Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge International in grades 9 and 10, participating in the relevant subject exams at the end of the 10th grade. Students who achieve a certain level of success in these exams can follow programs suitable for obtaining certificates for Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge International GCE A-level exams in grades 11 and 12, which allow them to apply to many universities worldwide. In addition to the GCE program, students can take exams such as TOEFL and SAT to apply to universities, mainly in the United States and in Turkey.

On the other hand, students continuing in the YKS section can choose among programs in Science, Social Sciences, Turkish-Mathematics, and Foreign Languages based on their interests. Students in the YKS section benefit from full-day education, following an intensive university preparation program. All lessons are conducted in Turkish, and unlike classical high schools, there are more intensive English lessons to continue the basic English education received in middle school. The YKS section operates somewhat like a tutoring center, providing students with various test papers, summary materials, and question banks in addition to regular textbooks, along with conducting various practice exams throughout the year.

Near East College has succeeded in being the school that appeals to the widest range of students in the TRNC by applying all programs approved by the Ministry of National Education of the TRNC in both the native language and in English. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in various countries, especially in the UK and Turkey, while many of our students can also continue their studies at universities in Cyprus. One of the school’s greatest advantages is that it is established within the Near East University, the largest and most equipped university in the TRNC. Graduates of Near East College have special quotas and scholarships for entry into many departments of Near East University. Depending on their success, graduates from either the YKS or GCE section can have the opportunity to study in various departments of our university. Another important advantage is that our highly successful students have priority registration rights in the limited quota programs of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

At our school, we place great importance on the emotional, social, and psychological development of our students, in addition to their academic success. In this regard, our guidance and psychological counseling services aim to support students in overcoming any challenges they may face. Our expert psychological counselors provide guidance and counseling services tailored to the individual needs of students.

Our guidance services aim to help students get to know themselves, discover their strengths, and set academic goals. Individual and group counseling sessions are organized to boost students’ self-confidence and support healthy personal development. Guidance is also provided on issues such as exam anxiety, friendship relations, and family communication.

Our psychological counseling services are designed to protect students’ emotional and psychological well-being. Counselors conduct individual counseling sessions to help students cope with emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, we provide support and guidance to parents regarding the psychological development of their children, contributing to the establishment of a healthy communication environment at home.