We are Starting Online Education on 18th January

Dear Parent and Student,

According the decision taken by the Council of Ministry due to the Pandemic situation, Face-to-face education has been postponed to a further date that will be announced later on by the ministry. In this context, our classes will continue online between 18th - 22nd January. (Documentation tracking from Google Classroom and online lessons from Google Meet Hang Out will be followed.)

The decisions we have taken at our administrative meeting are stated below;

  1. Online classes will be held between 9.30-15.30
  2. You can follow the online course schedule from Edu Page application.
  3. During the online course week, the next new subject will be covered in accordance with the
    curriculum. Topics covered in online education will not be included in the first semester final exams.
  4. In the first week of face-to-face education, general topics will be repeated, and then the first term final exams will be held.
  5. All students must attend the classes. Teachers will report the class attendance to the administration. You will be considered absent in the courses you did not attend.
  6. Due to the GCE exams, the lectures of 11N-M-T-D and 12N-M-D classes will start on Monday, January 25th.
  7. Our school will be open during online education.

School Administration