Donation to Turkish Red Crescent Society is a charity event that organized by Near East College Secondary School every year. Near East College Secondary School has held the third of this charity event and delivered the collected food, clothes and other handouts to Turkish Red Crescent Society.
Within the scope of the Red Crescent Week, in order to promote the activities, objectives and principle of Red Crescent and to ensure the development of the feelings of cooperation and sharing, notice boards were set up at the entrance of the school, the goals as well as the activities carried out by Turkish Red Crescent Society of North Cyprus were explained to the students during classes.
Within the scope of the event, Bülent Çıralı, the President of the Turkish Red Crescent Society of North Cyprus, came together with the students and delivered information about Red Crescent. He also stated that the charity event that organized by Near East College every year made them proud.
Öğrenciler Toplumsal Yardımın Önemini Kavrıyor…
Students absorb the Importance of Social Helping...
Expressing that societies were always in need of social mutuality and solidarity, Near East College Secondary School Principal Omer Ozkan stated that the students absorbed the importance of being in social solidarity through such events that they organized every year.
Underlining that they were in effort to draw attention that social solidarity was a phenomenon that should be kept in continuous vitality, Principal Omer Ozkan stated that they were very satisfied with the contributions of the students and their parents.
At the end of the event, food including pasta, rice, bulgur, as well as other handouts such as toys, shoes, books and clothes that students brought from their homes, were donated to the Turkish Red Crescent Society of North Cyprus.