Near East College has begun its 2017-2018 academic year which has been prepared with innovations that will lead the contemporary education concept.
According to the press information given by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of the Near East University, it is stated that the 6th year groups started the new education year by singing the National Anthem on Monday, September 11th.
Following the singing of the Turkish National Anthem, Near East College Vice Principal Ömer Özkan delivered a speech to the students and the parents. Omer Ozkan, in his speech; expressed how proud they are for the advancements of the Near East East College every year.
New Teaching and Learning Methods to be Implemented ...
In his speech, Ozkan said that every student of the college is precious for them, and students are members of a unique school which is very well equipped and provides every sort of contemporary academic, cultural and sporting facilities in line with the abilities and knowledge level of those precious students.
Ozkan stated that the new education and training methods are imlemented in the most appropriate way at the Near East College and further expressed that the best of everything is done for the students and students as the happy individuals are trained through an tablet assisted education system.
Desires for a successful academic year expressed...
All the other classes in the GCE department of Near East College said hello on Tuesday, September 12th to the new academic year.
Collge Principal Işılay Arkan, who made the opening speech of the new education year, stated that they are confident that they will go through a successful year as they always have done in the past years.
Arkan, who celebrated his students and all the teachers who worked hard for the successful GCE results this summer, expressed that they will support education and training with cultural visits as well as academic prosperity which increases every year.
The Principal of School, Arkan, wished that the new school year to be good to all teachers, students and parents.