Yakın Doğu Koleji, “Çocuk Kitapları Haftası” ve “Atatürk Haftası” kapsamında çocuklara okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmak ve kitap sevgisini artırmak amacıyla afiş yarışması düzenledi.
Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Basın ve Halkla ilişkiler Müdürlüğü’nden verilen bilgiye göre, okul ve sınıf kitaplıklarını zenginleştirmek, ders kitaplarından farklı kitapları okutmak, yeni çıkan yayınları takip etmek ve çocuk kitabı yazarlarını tanıtmak amacıyla ortaokullar arasında düzenlenen yarışmada, öğrenciler kitap okuma alışkanlığının yararları ve kitap sevgisini anlatan afişler tasarladıkları belirtildi..
Okul girişinde sergilenen tüm eserler arasından seçilen afişlerden Sıla Pelit (6Y) birinci, Nuray Erkan (6C) ikinci ve Ferihan İnce (6C) üçüncü geldi.
Öğrencilere Kitapları Sevdirmek Amaçlanıyor…
As part of the “Children’s Books Week” and “Atatürk Week”, Near East College organised a poster competition in order to encourage a love of books in children and to develop their reading habits.
According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, the competition was held among middle schools in Northern Cyprus so as to improve the school libraries by providing better books, encourage children to read books other than course-books, follow-up on newly published books and get to know authors of children’s book, alongside encouraging students to have a love of books and improved reading habits. The competition required students to design posters which reflect benefits of having a habit of reading books and love of books in general.
It was revealed that the posters submitted to the competition were displayed at the school entrance and from these, Sıla Pelit’s poster (from class 6Y) was selected as the winner; whereas Nuray Erkan’s (6C) was chosen as the first runner up and Ferihan İnce’s (6C) was chosen as the second runner up.
The main aim of the event is to encourage a love for boos in students…
Making a statement on the matter, East College Headmaster Işılay Arkan stated that the competition was held in order to encourage a love for books in children and during the event, the children were provided details regarding the historical background of the “Children’s Books Week” and the aims that the school target to achieve by holding this event.
Işılay Arkan stated that the American scouts decided to have a books week in 1917 for the first time. Later, many authors, publishers and book lovers internalised the event and starting from 1919, the second week of November each year was decided to be a “books week” in many countries around the world. Therefore, “Children’s Book Week” has been annually celebrated at the Near East College with the aim to encourage a love for books in students, influence parents and children to read books and create a personal library and also increase the number of children’s libraries.
The significance of libraries…
Headmaster Arkan also placed great emphasis on why it was crucial to develop reading habits in children and relatively the significant role that libraries play for this cause. He stressed that there were libraries which had a wide variety of books which we could all benefit from. He added that the Near East University Grand Library was just a step away and is therefore easily accessible. He ended his words by advising students to visit a library as often as possible and aim to read 2-3 books a week.